Thursday, June 2

Time to Breathe

I think I'm going to have to schedule time to breathe over the next two months, starting...oh...let's say, tommorrow at 9:00 AM. I almost had a panic attack last night when I was thinking about my schedule. For  a second, I thought that I had two incredibly conflicting jobs scheduled for this Saturday. Then, I rememberd that my PCAT class will not meet until NEXT Saturday. After that, I was able to work on getting my heart rate back down to something that resembles normal.

The good news is that next week, while busy, is not scheduled to the last minute. It is kind of like my launching pad for the month. And I definitely want to take one day--ONE WHOLE DAY--off! Maybe I'll finally use the massage my bro and sis-in-love gave me for Christmas. Goodness knows I could use it!

I wish I could think of something profound to say...but I think I'll just say, "Yay, God! Bless me and sustain me!" And call it a night.